Saturday, February 27, 2010

February Snowperson Challenge

Humor Blogs

I didn't intend it to be funny... or creepy. I intended it to be fun, with the twist of a neighborhood challenge. Kids simply don't get outside enough these days (IMHO). So earlier this week, when the weather was just right, I rolled this snowguy and posted a challenge for others to make some. I imagined our neighborhood lined with snow creatures. Sadly, not true. But at least I can share this with you all.
My son thinks the face I gave the snowguy is creepy. DH agrees. What thinks you? (Did you notice the snow earmuff to keep his ears nice and cold?) Maybe I should add a wig and bikini. Would that make it less creepy? Maybe I'll roll a snowhorse next to him for the March Neighborhood Snowthing Challenge.
(I had a very lonely childhood.)


  1. Too funny about the squirrels. And I think what's slightly creepy about the snowguy is that he looks rather realistic, like he's scoping out the neighborhood with his beady (pun intended) blue eyes. I hope someone takes up your challenge!
