Monday, July 20, 2009

Someday, a Dog

I've never had one, but there are times when I think I'd like to own a dog. I am an outdoors person, and would take many more hikes were there someone with me to defend against potententially dangerous 4- and 2-legged creatures. My husband has had many negative experiences with dogs, both wild and domestic. Because of that, he told me I could have a dog when he died. His exact words: "Over my dead body!"


  1. Hi Sandy,

    I'm a fellow member of SCBWI here in Michigan, and just have to make a suggestion about the dog situation. I have three (started with one), my husband wanted none. I always had dogs growing up, and just can't be without one. Shame on me, but truth be told, at the end of the day, it's the dogs for me. They ALWAYS love me, never talk back, argue, complain. But on a more serious note, I am also a foster "puppy" mom for the Animal Welfare Society of Southeastern Michigan and a few other local shelters. It is a great way to get your feet wet so to speak when thinking about getting a dog or puppy. You simply provide the shelter and love they need until they get adopted. The agencies provide you with all the food, vet care, etc., and, worse case scenario, it doesn't work out and you give it back to the shelter for a different foster to take. Best case scenario, you fall in love and adopt it yourself. But the best thing of all is you save a pet from death row, and discover if having a dog (or cat) is for you! Good luck. p.s. My husband still hates me, and I still prefer to sleep with my dogs.

    From the very hairy house of Veronica Davids

  2. Congratulations, Sandy, on your new and fun blog! The people who have met you in person have the advantage--you're darn funny, either way!

  3. I have a dog, Sandy. She's a yorkie and weighs 6 pounds. Guess who'll be protecting who if we go for a hike in the woods...not to mention who'll be carrying who after about 5 min. because they can't walk any farther LOL

  4. Veronica -- thanks. Never heard of that before. What a great suggestion. DH still wouldn't go for it, though.

    April -- too sweet.

    Jacqueline (dramaquill) -- too funny. Now see that? I didn't even know you had a dog! I've seen people taking their dogs for walks before, in their arms. Cracks me up!
