Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Clowning Days

Humor Blogs

For several years, I did some clowning with magic and songs and tossed in lots of jokes, of course. These were performed at schools, schurches, preschools, a Mexican orphanage, and home parties. The most fun was when I got to gransform from normal-looking me into Sunny the Singing Clown -- i.e., sit and talk about my make-up and outfit and the history of clowning as I changed in front of the audience. I found it amusing that in just 15 minutes, the kids treated me and talked to me like a clown, totally ignoring or forgetting how I started out in real-human capasity. I was no longer "that normal person," but someone else entirely.

I decided to move on from my clowning days mostly after doing a stint for a home birthday party for a four-year-old, and the plastered adults started to attack the clown.

It's called coulrophobia, BTW, the abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns.


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