Friday, April 1, 2011

A Family Funny

Humor Blogs

I don’t have a single funny thing to share today. APRIL FOOLS!

Time for a family story. When our family moved from wintery Buffalo, NY, to sunny Rapid City, SD, our one son was in 7th grade. Mind you, it does snow in the Black Hills, but usually just up north, and you have to do driving to look for it. In our 8 winters there, our street was only plowed four times. Although, solar snow removal and four-wheel drives were the norm.

Our son went three years just putting on a sweatshirt if it got cold enough to do so. But one week, the temperature stayed in the teens for several days. He finally agreed to wear a coat to school. He put it on. His arms stuck out from his elbows down.

BAD MAMA! He’d grown a lot in those three years, and because he never wore winter coats, bad mama hadn’t thought to buy him one. Bad Mama!!

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